
Dagmar Galusková, PhD.


Dagmar Galusková, PhD. Scientific background:  Methodology support for testing of corrosion resistance and durability of silicate materials. Glass (bioactive, historical, industrial…) chemical/surface characterization. International projects: APVV 22-0062, Reference glasses for analysis of strategic raw material 07/2023-06/2027 (principal investigator): Development of glassy materials with potential as internal standards to be used in the [...]

Branislav Hruška, PhD.


Branislav Hruška, PhD. Scientific background:  Specialist in the identification of materials mainly by Raman spectroscopy. International projects: APVV SK-PL–18– 0062, Corrosion of historic glass, 2019/2021, responsible researcher.  National projets: VEGA 1/0064/18, Corrosion and weathering of commercial glass, 2018/2019, member of the research team. VEGA 1/0527/18, New inorganic formulations based on stoichiometric aluminates [...]

Katarína Faturíková, PhD.


Katarína Faturíková, PhD. Scientific background:   Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Electrical properties of Glass Inorganic-organic nanocomposite films Sol – Gel Method Wettability of the surface : Contact angle, Surface Free Energy Study of thermal properties and kinetics of crystallization of glasses National projects: ZDESJE-ITMS 26220220084 OP Výskum a vývoj Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja, [...]

Hana Kaňková, PhD.


Hana Kaňková, PhD. Scientific background:  Analytical chemistry -ICP OES, ICP-MS, XRF, laser ablation Corrosion testing –study of corrosion behavior of glass and ceramic material  International projects: HORIZON 2020, WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2, Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses, 2017 – 2024 National projects: VEGA 1-0064-18 Corrosion and weathering of tableware glass VEGA 2/0026/17 Transparentné polyškrystalické [...]

Mariana Švančárková, PhD.


Mariana Švančárková, PhD. Scientific background:   Work area: Ceramography, ion chromatography, glass coatings International projects: Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass: "FunGlass", project number 739566, funded from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, 2017-2024, member of the research team National projects: VEGA 1/0431/18 The relationship between composition, structure and [...]

Ing. Jaroslava Michálková, PhD.


Ing. Jaroslava Michálková, PhD. I finished my studies in the field of chemical technologies on Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov. After my graduation, i worked as reasercher in VILA - Joint Glass Centre. I became a responsible worker for laboratory of corrosion tests. In addition to work in laboratory, i participate in experimental works related to [...]

Aleksandra Ewa Nowicka, PhD.


Aleksandra Ewa Nowicka, PhD. Scientific background:  Fabrication, corrosion and characterization of zirconia-based ceramics. Materials characterization (AFM, Confocal Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, XRD). Corrosion of historical glass. International projects:  2021: JECS Trust Grant (contract nr 2020247) - Acid corrosion surface modification of zirconia-based dental materials for enhanced osseointegration - MATEIS laboratory, INSA Lyon - [...]

Lenka Buňová, PhD.


Lenka Buňová, PhD. Scientific background:  Chemical analysis: microwave digestion, ICP-OES, ion chromatography National projects: VEGA č. 1/0530/11 – member of the research team KEGA č. 007 TnUAD-4/2013 – member of the research team KEGA č. 006 TnUAD-4/2014 – member of the research team Publication activity:  2018 D. Ondrušová, S. Božeková, L. [...]

Ing. Anna Švančárková, PhD.


Ing. Anna Švančárková, PhD. Scientific background: Chemical analysis in aqueus solutions / ICP OES Preparation and decomposition of glass samples National projets: APVV 0014-15 – member of the research team VEGA 2/0091/20 – member of the research team VEGA 1/0191/20 – member of the research team APVV 0218-11 – member of the [...]

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