Starring FunGlass

A unique documentary about the FunGlass center was added to our website (FunGlass in video) which was filmed at our workplace for several days and most of us remember it well, because we were all involved – researchers, students, administration staff.
This film is one of a series of documentaries about the work of successful Slovak scientific and research teams. It was produced by independent producers under the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and their scientific popularization portal Veda na dosah (Science on reach). On public television RTVS, it is a show called Veda zblízka (Science up close), the aim of which is to bring science and Slovak research closer to the general public in an understandable way. We must state that the documentary is simple, does not have time to get boring and captures reality in a natural way.
We thank and give a thumbs up to everyone – creators and performers!