FunGlass European Project Office Managers at EARMA Conference 2024

The managers of the FunGlass European Project Office – Andrea Chrastinová (#FunGlass, #GlaCerHub), Michaela Matejová (#FunGlass, #GlaCerHub) and Monika Šandrejová (#FunGlass, #CLiCAM)- attended the most important research management event in Europe, the EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators) Conference 2024, which took place from 23 to 25 April in Odense (the birthplace of H. Ch. Andresen – the author of some of the most famous fairy tales), Denmark. EARMA, of which the FunGlass Centre is a member, represents the community of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) in Europe.

The Odence Congress Centre welcomed over 1400 delegates from around 52 countries who attended lectures, presentations (pecha kucha style sessions) and discussions aimed at sharing best practice and keeping abreast of the latest developments in research project management.

This year’s theme was “Where is RMA Going? The Future of RMA in a Rapidly Changing World“, which explored also the highly relevant topic of how artificial intelligence is transforming research management.