Visit from Russian Academy of Sciences


At the beginning of July 2017 VILA Centre was visited by the researchers of the Institute of Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Urals Branch – Dr. Armenak A. Osipov, Head of the Laboratory of the Experimental Mineralogy and Physical Mineralogy, and Dr. Leyla M. Osipova, Scientific secretary of Institute of Mineralogy.

The visit was stimulated by the existing cooperation between prof. Marek Liška (VILA) and Dr. Armenak and Leyla Osipov on thermodynamic  modeling and structural interpretation of the Raman spectra of glass forming melts.

Our guests made acquainted of Centre´s laboratories and its equipment during their sejourn at VILA. At the same time, different aspects of Raman spectroscopy in connection with high temperature stage LINKAM were discussed. Prof. Dušan Galusek, Head of VILA Centre, presented at the mutual meeting VILA centre, its ambitions and, of course, the EU project FunGlass aimed to the update of the present centre to internationally recognized centre of excellence “Centre for functional and surface functionalized glass”.

Dr. Osipov and Dr. Osipova expressed their work enthusiasm to next cooperation with our research centre.

Except of VILA, our Russian coelleagues visited the Institut of Inorganic Technologies of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, glass company RONA, a. s. or in their leisure time the spa town Trenčianske Teplice.