Training and research stay at the University of Seville
Ing. Maryam Vakhshouri has got the opportunity in the frame of the Erasmus+ program to begin her short-term training which is mainly based on gaining knowledge and skills in the fabrication of Al2O3-Y2O3 eutectic ceramics using spark plasma sintering (SPS) at the University of Seville, Spain. The training is coordinated by Dr. Rosalía Poyato Galán (Tenured Scientist at the Spanish National Research Center) and Dr. Cristina López Pernía (Postdoc).
Dr. Ali Najafzadeh has started his research activities at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, University of Seville, Spain to collaborate with Dr. Felipe Gutiérrez Mora (Tenured Professor at the University of Seville), Dr. Rosalía Poyato Galán, and Dr. Ángela Gallardo López (Director of the department). During the research stay, he is going to focus on the preparation of undoped and doped-Y2O3 using SPS and study the densification behaviour of nano-Y2O3 ceramics doped with bivalent transition metals.
The University of Seville is today a reference in the Spanish and European university system. The more than 70,000 students enrolled in the last year corroborate this, making it the second Spanish university and the first Andalusian in the number of enrollments in its hundred degrees and more than 160 master’s degrees ( The Mechanical Properties of Solids group (PMS) at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics has leading research activities in different categories; processing, sintering, and characterisation of advanced ceramics and composites consisted of two-dimensional (2D) nanometric fillers (graphene and analogs) and so on. These activities are underpinned by excellent facilities at the Faculty of Physics, the Center for Research, Technology, and Innovation (htts://, and the Institute of Materials Science of Seville ( and expertise in the advanced characterisation of materials.

Dr. Ángela Gallardo López (Director of the department), Carmen Muñoz Ferreiro (Ph.D. student), Dr. Rosalía Poyato Galán (Tenured Scientist at the Spanish National Research Center), Dr. Ali Najafzadeh, Ing. Maryam Vakhshouri (Ph.D. student), Dr. Cristina López Pernía (Postdoc), Dr. Felipe Gutiérrez Mora (Tenured Professor), Dr. Rocio Moriche Tirado (Tenured Professor), Dr. Ana Morales Rodríguez (Tenured Professor). (From Left to right)