Prof. Dušan Galusek, DrSc. Scientific Background: advanced ceramic materials and composites, transparent oxide ceramics, metal-organic preceramic precursors, aluminate glasses, bioactive materials, corrosion and corrosion protection International projects: NATO SfP 981770, Light weight and transparent armors, 2006-2009, coordinator Interreg 22410320043, Development of a cooperation and educational platform for cross-border competitiveness in plasma applications [...]
Prof. Ing. Marek Liška, DrSc., Dr.h.c.
vmokranova2023-08-22T14:45:30+02:00Prof. Ing. Marek Liška, DrSc., Dr.h.c. Scientific background: Structure and properties of oxide glasses studied by methods of physical chemistry and chemical physics Thermodilatometric and calorimetric study of relaxation phenomena in glasses Application of molecular dynamics method for simulation of structure and properties of oxide glasses Ocenenia: 2008 cena podpredsedu vlády a ministra [...]
Assoc. Prof. Mária Chromčíková, PhD.
vmokranova2024-04-22T13:09:20+02:00Assoc. Prof. Mária Chromčíková, PhD. Scientific background: Structure and properties of inorganic glasses and glass-forming melts Structural relaxation and viscosity of glass-forming melts Thermodynamic models International projects: APVV SK – CZ – 00007 – 11, Thermodynamic models and structure of multicomponent glasses, 2012-2013, principal investigator APVV SK – PL – 18 – [...]
Peter Švančárek, PhD.
vmokranova2023-09-07T21:29:18+02:00Peter Švančárek, PhD. Scientific background: Bioinorganic peroxocomplexes of vanadium V, Alumina based ceramic composites for abrasion resistant materials and ceramic armor, Fluorescent ceramics, SEM, EDXS, EBSD 46 Publications in scientific journals 604 Citations The most significant publications: 2023 Parchovianska, I; Parchoviansky, M; Nowicka, A; Prnova, A; Svancarek, P; Pakseresht, A: Effect [...]
Anna Prnová, PhD.
vmokranova2023-08-22T21:26:52+02:00Anna Prnová, PhD. Scientific background: analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, glass, ceramics and glass-ceramics material preparation and characterization, thermal analysis, study of thermal behavior and kinetics of crystallization of glasses International projects: SAS-MOST: Transforing bioinert to bioactive through surface engineering, member of research team IIC SAS, 1.1.2023-31.12.2026 OPEN MOBILITY: The technologically undemanding of [...]
Ali Talimian, PhD.
vmokranova2023-08-22T21:42:53+02:00Ali Talimian, PhD. Scientific background: Ceramics composites Processing of materials Mechanical properties of materials Fabrication and characterisation of transformation toughened ceramics Transparent ceramics; High-Strength glasses, Glass technology Projects: Since 2020 Scientific Grant Agency VEGA, Grant No 2/0028/21, Aluminusilicate glass and glass-ceramic materials reinforced with ion exchange with additional functionality, Role: Deputy of [...]
Monika Michálková, PhD.
vmokranova2024-02-13T10:37:05+01:00Monika Michálková, PhD. Scientific background: transparent ceramic, glass-ceramic, ceramic composites, advanced ceramic materials, corrosion of glass, viscous flow sintering, ceramic-graphene composites International projects: Sciex NMS Electrically and thermally conductive Si3N4/CNF ceramic composites. Project leader National projets: VEGA2/0028/21 Ion exchange strengthened aluminosilicate glass/glass-ceramics with additional functionalities. Researcher VEGA1/0456/20 Development and characterization of spherical [...]
Jana Valúchová, PhD.
vmokranova2023-08-30T10:36:42+02:00Jana Valúchová, PhD. Scientific background: preparation and characterization of glasses, ceramics and glass-ceramics materials; sol-gel, flame synthesis, crystallization, HT XRD; physical and mechanical properties International projects: Transparent oxide ceramics with additional optical functionalities, 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018, researcher National projets: Structure abd properties of oxide glasses – thermodynamic models, entalpic and structural relaxation, [...]
Beáta Pecušová, PhD.
vmokranova2023-10-27T14:17:30+02:00Beáta Pecušová, PhD. Scientific background: Preparation and characterisation of composite materials Study of thermal behaviour of glasses, glassceramics and ceramics materials /DSC, DTA and TG Study of thermo mechanical properties of advanced glass and ceramics materials Treatment and initial testing of samples before thermal analysis International projects: Centre for Functional and Surface [...]
Ali Najafzadeh, PhD.
vmokranova2024-09-05T14:42:45+02:00Dr. Ali Najafzadeh Scientific background: Layered ceramics Eutectic materials Mechanical characterization Gel-casting process Nanoindentation-induced deformation of brittle phases Mechanics of composites Finite element simulation National and international projects: NextGenerationEU, Recovery and Resilience Plan, No. 09I03-03-V04-00196, Design, analysis and mechanical characterization of laminar ceramics, 2024-2026, Principal Investigator. CEDITEK II: Support of R&D activities [...]