Congratulations to fresh PhD graduates!

It is with pride that we can inform about successful completion of PhD studies of four doctorate students who pursued their PhD study program in the area of Inorganic Technology and Non-metallic Materials with FunGlass centre: Marianna Čierniková, Petra Balážová, Ivana Petríková and Lukáš Šimurka. All students successfully completed their last experiments and submitted and defended their dissertations on August 21, 2018.

Below is the list of graduates dissertations topics:

Marianna Čierniková, PhD

Dissertation topic: Anorganicko-organické materiály pripravované sól-gél metódou (Inorganic-organic materials prepared by sol-gel method); dissertation advisor doc. Ing. Alfonz Plško

Petra Balážová, PhD

Dissertation topic: Nanočastice SiO2, vlastnosti a interakcia s aminokyselinami (Nanoparticles SiO2, properties and interaction with amino acids); dissertation advisor doc. Ing. Alfonz Plško

Ivana Petríková, PhD

Dissertation topic: Keramické vrstvy pripravené z organokremičitých prekurzorov pre vysokoteplotnú protikoróznu ochranu kovov (Polymer derived ceramic coatings for high temperature corrosion protection of metals); dissertation advisor prof. Ing. Dušan Galusek, DrSc.

Lukáš Šimurka, PhD

Dissertation topic: Multimethod approach to understanding the mechanical properties of optical thin films on glass; dissertation advisor prof. Ing. Dušan Galusek, DrSc.

PhD students gain deep knowledge on scientific methods of research related to preparation of new types of non-metallic inorganic materials, with special focus on glass, ceramics, and surface modification of a broad range of various materials, including biomaterials. Graduates are able to solve problems related to inorganic technologies, development and characterization of new materials. They have special knowledge in the area of glass, inorganic binders, ceramic and refractory materials and inorganic additives. They have deep theoretical knowledge in the field of thermodynamics and kinetics and are capable of solving challenging engineering problems in technical practice. Graduates understand methods of studying structures as well as materials characteristics. They speak foreign languages, actively use computer and information systems, are able to work actively in teams, plan their own development within their research field and execute project management. Gained knowledge represents an excellent basis for obtaining a job either in academic or industrial research and development. More information about PhD studies in FunGlass can be provided by the Study advisor Ms. Daniela Vavrová .

To all graduating students: Congratulations!
