Successful defenses at FunGlass

In the last week of August, our PhD students Nurshen Mutlu, Susanta Sengupta and Mokhtar Mahmoud successfuly defended their dissertations.

Two dissertations concerned the issue of biomaterials:

Nurshen Mutlu: Incorporation of Borate Bioactive Glasses into Soft Matrices for Soft Tissue Applications

Susanta Sengupta: Fibrous structures based on biopolymers and biologically active ion doped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications: development and characterization

Mokhtar’s dissertation was focused on glass processing: Second Life of Waste Glasses, Application of Glass Microspheres in Advanced 3D Glass Structures

The oral defense was held in Trencin with the personal participation of supervisors Prof. Dušan Galusek and Dr. Jozef Kraxner and with the online participation of co-supervisors Prof. Aldo Boccaccini from Institute of Biomaterials, Friedriech Alexander University, Erlangen – Nuremberg, Germany and Prof. Enrico Bernardo from University of Padua, Italy. All three students completed their doctoral studies on the basis of the co-tutelle agreement. Thus they obtained a doctoral degree at Funglass/ A. Dubček University and also at a partner institutions.

Congratulations to all three alumni and  we are delighted that Nurshen and Mokhtar are continuing their careers at FunGlass.