14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry has started today

14th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry SSC 2021organized by FunGlass centre has started today. It takes 4 days, June 14- 17. Due to COVID measures and travel restrictions it is in ONLINE mode. There is about 100 participants, 65 lecturers, 13 posters from 15 countries. All abstracts of lectures and posters are published in Book of Abstracts, you can download it from SSC website: funglass.eu/ssc2021/#call.

4th International Conference on Solid State Chemistry has also earned IUPAC endorsement (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). This attests to the quality of the proposed scientific program and continues the tradition of collaboration in disseminating the work presented at the SSC conference. As confirmed by prof. Javier Garcia Martinez, selected papers from the conference will be published in a special edition of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

Solid State Chemistry conference series started in 1986. It was founded by Prof. Frumar as a symposium for scientists working in the field of solid state chemistry, chemistry and physics of novel inorganic materials. This event is organized jointly by institutions and universities from Czech Republic and Slovakia – Slovak Silicate Scientific – Technological Society, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Glass Society and FunGlass Centre of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín.

This year´s conference covers three special sessions:

  • FunGlass Symposium 2021 (14 June 2021) – FunGlass project annual conference presenting joint research results of FunGlass researchers with consortium advanced partners (Institute of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany/ Institute of Ceramics and Glass, CSIC, Madrid, Spain/ Department of Industrial Technologies of the University of Padova, Italy/ Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany)
  • From Brain Drain to Brain Gain (16 June 2021)special forum on brain drain phenomenon, its effects, experiences and opportunities to talent scientists´ retaining. This workshop is supported by the Visegrad Fund project implemented by V4 consortium of FunGlass Centre, Centre for Energy Research, Hungary; AGH Krakow, Poland and University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
  • Virtual Poster Session (14 – 17 June 2021) of young researchers competing for YOUNG SCIENTIST POSTER AWARD supported by Visegrad Fund project „From Brain Drain to Brain Gain”.

More information about this event, you can find here: funglass.eu/ssc2021/