Bruno Wolfrum, MSc

My interests in green chemistry and development of sustainable energies led me to work on white organic LEDs in Sydney, Australia, in 2018. Following this activity, I had the opportunity to apply in 2019 as a PhD Student at FunGlass to work on the next generation of LEDs.

In addition to an Engineering degree in Chemistry, specialised in Materials Science, in Strasbourg, France, I graduated in 2017 as an M. Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry in Dresden, Germany. My master’s thesis was on “polycondensation of linear polymers and porous polymer networks via ball-milling”.

Dissertation topic: “Oxide phosphors for solid-state illumination and spectral downconversion”

Supervisor:  R.  Klement, Assoc. Prof.

Co-supervisor: Lothar Wondraczek (Otto-Schott Institute, Jena)

Department: Department of Functional Materials

Beginning of study: 1. 11. 2019

Date of dissertation exam:  TBA

  • Mechanochemical Suzuki polycondensation – from linear to hyperbranched polyphenylenes. Green Chemistry (2017)DOI: 10.1039/C7GC00693D


Inorganic technologies and materials I and Inorganic technologies and materials II

Bruno Wolfrum
Bruno Wolfrum
PhD student

Tel.: +421 32 7400 515
Office: n. 305