FunGlass promo video

We would like to inform you about a new FunGlass promo video, which was released with the help of the Visegrad fund (IVF 22010227 “From brain drain to brain gain at SSC 2021 Conference”) and partners of the project: 

  • University of Pardubice, Pardubice (Czech Republic)
  • AGH-University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Krakow (Poland)
  • Centre for Energy Reserach, Budapest (Hungary)

The project (IVF 22010227) supported the organization of the 14th International Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry (SSC) and supplementary
“brain drain reversal” events. The project used this scientific event as a platform to explore tactics to reverse brain drain in the context of networking activities between senior researchers and early stage researcher (ESR) from the V4 region (Czech Rep., Poland, Hungary, Slovakia) and their active interaction with invited speakers from around the world.

The main goal of the project was to identify best practices in recruiting and retaining excellent early stage researchers in leading V4 research institutions in the field of chemistry because these institutions have been adversely affected by a brain drain that has been triggered as a side effect of the transformation processes that began after the fall of Communism and continues to this day when research institutions have to adapt to the challenges of global competition for talent.

The ambition of the project was to familiarize the senior researchers of the participating V4 institutions with proven talent management strategies (especially in terms of adapting to the influx of talent from abroad) that will empower them to turn brain drain into brain gain. Particular attention was paid to sharing best practices that have already been implemented among participating V4 institutions.