Industrial Board of the FunGlass Centre organized its virtual meeting on 3rd December 2020.

Prof. Dušan Galusek (Director) and Dr. Peter Hošták (Head of Administration Unit) explained progress in development of Centre´s – human resources, collaboration, research facilities and discussed networking opportunities of FunGlass Centre with industrial partners. Heads of research departments presented scientific agenda of their departments.

The industry representatives have expressed their support for the FunGlass Centre and their willingness to engage in mutual cooperation.

Industrial Board comprises the representatives of both Slovak-regional (AGC Trenčín, s. r. o., Johns Manville Slovakia, a. s., RONA, a. s., Vetropack Nemšová, s. r. o.) and European industries (Colorobbia Italia S.p.A, Corning France, Glass Service, a. s. Czechia, Nuova OMPI, Italy, and Fraunhofer Translational Center Regenerative Therapies TLC-RT, Germany). The aim of the Industrial Board is to contribute to improving the overall framework conditions for innovation of FunGlass by intensification of collaboration between industry and academia.