FunGlass team joined the 11th International Summer school in Montpellier

The team from Funglass,  has joined the 11th International Summer school in Montpellier, traditionally organized by the International Commission on Glass. This year’s summer school, primarily focused on PhD students, young academy and industry researchers, has provided not only the traditional course on the Glass formation, structure and properties, but also offered workshop on Hazardous waste vitrification. Both these topics are of the great interest for Funglass and our colleagues have returned home with new knowledge that will further boost their careers. Besides the highly informative lectures, the stay in the sunny southern France has also brought new contacts and friendships between team Funglass and the rest of the world.

Traditionally, workshop also includes work of student groups on abstract projects. These groups were competing against each other during the last day of the summer school for the Best project of the 11th Summer school in Montpellier. With delight we can congratulate to Fulden Dogrul and Nibu Puthenpurayil Govindan, whose groups both have won the first places. Congratulations to the winners!

FunGlass team: researchers Dr. M. Hujová and Dr. A. Dasan, PhD. students F. Dogrul, N. Mutlu and Nibu P. G.

Fulden Dogrul

Nibu Puthenpurayil Govindan