FunGlass at ESB 2023, Davos, Switzerland

The ESB 2023 (European Society for Biomaterials) conference brought together experts and researchers from around the world to delve into the latest advancements in biomaterials and related fields. This 33rd edition took place from September 4 to September 8, 2023 in Davos, Switzerland. Our researchers, Dr. Zuzana Neščáková, Dr. Si Chen, Dr. Nurshen Mutlu, and Dr. Fatih Kurtuldu, participated with their presentations:

  • Zuzana Neščáková: Zinc-doped bioactive glass nanoparticles for tissue regeneration
  • Si Chen: Textural properties and the mechanism of pore formation in 45S5 bioactive glass microspheres fabricated by alkali activation-flame synthesis
  • Fatih Kurtuldu: 3D Printing of Alginate Dialdehyde-Gelatin Hydrogels Incorporating Ce and Ga-Containing Mesoporous Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Engineering
  • Nurshen Mutlu: The morphology and topography of Chitosan-Zn complex fiber mats influence the viability and attachment of stromal cells and mouse fibroblasts

One of the highlights of ESB 2023 was also the opportunity for our researchers to connect with our FunGlass partner, Prof. Aldo Boccaccini, head of the Institute of Biomaterials, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg . During their interactions, they engaged in fruitful discussions covering a wide range of topics and collaborative plans. These discussions spanned both existing partnerships and exciting new avenues of cooperation.
Nurshen and Fatih were among the participants at the “Young Scientist Forum Night Out”. This event served as an exceptional platform for young scientists to connect, share ideas, and build valuable networks within the scientific realm.