Project on collaboration between FunGlass and University of chemistry and technology in Prague, Czech Republic approved for funding

A project „Silicate glass surfaces, characterisation, structure, and modification. Collaboration with FunGlass.“ was approved within the grant scheme of INTER-TRANSFER and will be supported by the Ministry of education, youth, and sports of the Czech republic. The project focuses on glass surfaces of silicate glasses with composition close to the commercial ones. The research will utilise surface sensitive microscopic and spectroscopic methods as SEM, IM, TOF-SIMS, EPMA, AFM, and XPS together with Molecular dynamics simulations. The surface structure and its response to the chemical and physical modification is assumed to be a function of heterogeneity of glass surface, e.g. chemical, structural, number of NBO, density and energy distribution of surface defects, and morphology, that depend on glass composition and its history. It is believed the experimental results and the accompanying simulations will help to create a model able to predict surface properties in more general glass systems.