FunGlass team at „Engineering Ceramics 2019“ workshop in Smolenice

Advanced Research Workshop „Engineering Ceramics 2019“- Ceramics for people was organized in Smolenice castle (May 12-16, 2019). The FunGlass team was represented by Dr.  El-Maghraby (oral presentation), Assoc. prof. Robert Klement (co-author of invited lecture and oral presentation, author and co-author of two posters), Dr. Monika Michálková (oral presentation) from Slovakia. Dr. Ali Talimian (oral presentation) attended form Jena (Germany) and Prof. Enrico Bernardo (invited lecture) from Padova (Itali). It was a great opportunity to meet and discuss reached results with experts from the field of glass and ceramic.

Prof. E. Bernardo, Assoc. prof. R. Klement, Dr. A. Talimian, Dr. M. Michálková and Dr. H. El-Maghraby (from left)