Ali Can Guler from T. Bata University, Zlín (Czech Republic) on 1-month internship at FunGlass
Our center was pleased to host a PhD student Ali Can Guler from Tomas Bata University in Zlín . His internship was realized in the framework of collaboration between this university and FunGlass Centre within the project INTER-EXCELLENCE. He worked under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Jose Velazquez, Dr. Michal Žitňan and Dr. Rajesh Dagupati and stayed here for 1 month. He also participated in our FunGlass School in Smolenice with his contribution BiVO4/ZnO nanodendrites heterojunction as photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting
This is his impression:
“A month of internship in FunGlass has broadened my horizon and knowledge through the activities assigned to me. My field of work, development of photoanode nanomaterials for photoelectrochemical water splitting, requires me to involve in various spectroscopic techniques. Thanks to the well-equipped laboratories and outstanding researchers of FunGlass, I productively proceeded with my research. Besides, I had the privilege of experiencing an intellectual and very friendly environment at the FunGlass School. I highly recommend this institute to all students and researchers who are willing to learn new skills, make new friends and gain a new perspective. I am grateful to the entire FunGlass family for allowing me to be one of them, even for a short time.”

FunGlass School in Smolenice